About Halberg AllSports

The Halberg Disability Sport Foundation aims to to enhance the lives of physically disabled New Zealanders by enabling them to participate in sport and recreation. This includes:

Halberg Disability Sport Advisers

The Halberg Disability Sport Foundation employs regional Disability Sport Advisers. These dedicated, highly skilled, expert field staff to support the Halberg AllSports programme throughout New Zealand. Please don't hesitate to contact our Advisers with any questions you have about getting involved in disability sport in your region.

Halberg Inclusion Training 'NET'

The Foundation provides Halberg 'NET' an inclusion training course on adapting sport to include physically disabled New Zealanders. The aim of a Halberg NET is to increase the knowledge and skills of teachers and sport deliverers to give them the confidence and resources to deliver quality sporting opportunities to physically disabled people. Sign up for a Halberg NET here

Activity Fund

The AllSports Activity Fund provides physically disabled young people with grants to help overcome the financial barriers that prevent them from participating in sport. For more information or to apply for a grant click here.

Halberg Junior Disability Games

The Foundation hosts the Halberg Junior Disability Games where regional teams from around New Zealand come together for a national three day sports competition. The Games provide participants with the opportunity to compete against other young people with similar impairments in a range of sports. For more information click here.

Sports Programmes and Events

Halberg collaborates with established sports organisations and clubs on disability sport events and programmes in at clubs, schools and in communities. 

Find out what events are coming up in your region by checking out the AllSports Events Calendar, or by contacting your local Adviser.
