Andie Munro

Andie Munro

Six year old Andie Munro is constantly inspiring those around her. The Wellington local who has Pitt-Hopkins syndrome tackles everything head on with a smile.

The energetic youngster received a trike through the Halberg Disability Sport Foundation’s AllSports Activity Fund and has been astounding her school mates and teachers at Titahi Bay School ever since.

Andie’s mother, Carly, says she is equally thrilled with the new trike and the opportunities it has given Andie.

“She just loves her trike,” says Carly. “She loves having Wheels Days at school and riding along with her peers. The trike allowed her to compete in her school’s annual triathlon and she got her very own medal.”

Halberg’s Disability Sport Adviser, Erin Fitzgerald, helped the Munro family apply for the Activity Fund for the new bike and is extremely impressed by Andie’s determination and positive outlook - qualities that Andie’s mother doesn’t see fading any time soon.

“Andie has come incredibly far,” says Carly. “She will go further still as I don’t see her giving up any time soon, it’s just not in her nature.”