Kaikohe East Primary School, Northland

Kaikohe East Primary School, Northland

Fourteen teachers from Kaikohe East Primary School completed a Halberg No Exceptions Training course (NET) with the aim of gaining ideas and strategies for including disabled students.

Principal Chicky Rudkin says the NET has enhanced the opportunities for all students and had a very positive impact on participation.

“Our teachers are committed to continuing to share, discuss and create ways to modify activities, especially now that we have the tools to make it work. We really enjoyed strategising, discussing and doing the activities to ensure opportunities offered to our pupils are not just appropriate, but also fun.”

Halberg Disability Sport Adviser Maia Lewis said that Kaikohe East School is a shining example of a school where there is a naturally inclusive attitude to sport and has plans for a disability sports day to put their learnings into practice.