Archie Buissink

Archie Buissink

When Archie Buissink was born, his family were told he would never walk, talk or smile. But now 13 years old, he is doing all these things and much more.

The teenager, who had a stroke before he was born, has grown up in a very active sport-loving family and was always keen to be involved, but considered himself terrible at sports.

What motivated Archie to have a more serious attempt at sports was watching his younger sister participate in triathlons. While cheering her on, the Aucklander realised this was something he could do too. However, he found his left arm became painful whenever he attempted to ride a bike. 

"On a rare family bike ride, my father cried because I looked like I was in so much pain."

Archie's parents realised they needed to do something if their son was to ride safely and comfortably.

They first heard of the Halberg Disability Sport Foundation while watching the Halberg Awards on TV. Seeing the services on offer, they applied for an Activity Fund for a modified bike.

It has made all the difference for Archie, who has been able to ride pain free for the first time in his life and is training to compete in triathlons.

The Auckland Grammar student is looking forward to getting into more competitive cycling and was thrilled to meet Paralympic cyclist Chris Ross while his bike was being modified. Chris has given Archie the inspiration to follow his footsteps and reach the Paralympics. 

"I am really grateful to the Halberg Disability Sport Foundation, and what they have done for me. Not only did they provide me with a bike, but also the knowledge that Sir Murray Halberg, the Foundation and the people that support it, are all behind me."

Read Archie's letter to Halberg