Lily Alker

Lily Alker

Five year old Lily Alker has discovered a new world of outdoor and recreational activities thanks to a Halberg Activity Fund grant.

The Pegasus local has cerebral palsy, a condition that affects her balance and coordination. As a result of this, Lily uses a wheelchair to get around.

Rough outdoor terrains are difficult for Lily’s chair to ride over, so she couldn’t always access all of her local environment. Funding from the Halberg Disability Sport Foundation towards a 'free wheel' to be attached to the front of her wheelchair enables Lily to easily ride over gravel, dirt and grass.

With this modification, Lily has experienced the magic of visiting the snow for the first time. She also has easier access to the beach, where she loves to go with her dad.

Lily’s mum Shannon Alker says the wheel has been a game changer for their family.

“What a difference it has made,” she says. “We are now able to be more active and explore our local outdoor areas together as a family - without restriction of where Lily’s chair can or can’t go. It's fantastic!”

“We’d like to thank the Halberg Foundation for making this possible,” says Shannon.